Remote Services - ‘The Virtual Solution’ is the way to use resources of a full staffed IT solutions provider. Vision Technologies understands that there are companies that need the time-to-time support of a professional IT resource provider but not the long term commitment of an employee when you only have part time needs. Our goal is to provide you with resource at very competitive hourly rates. The Virtual Solution provides your company with the assurance of quality service is similar to traditional “Block Time” agreements. The goal for this plan is to provide full time response time guarantees, remote support and priority at volume discount pricing. This is designed for the company that needs the assurance of technology partner and rapid problem resolution in times of expansion, disaster recovery or the need to have problems solved to their PC with remote access from anywhere. We offer PC-to-PC support at a very low cost. We are experienced in implementation and development of projects. We will communicate in detail on every aspect of tentative plan and project status, helping to ensure common goals and results.
IT Staffing - VT specializes in providing on-site consultants for your temporary needs. This provides short term, high volume, and cost effective results. Filling gaps in your organization with manpower for short term skill sets and allowing you to maintain production time tables. We can deploy consultants in project teams or as individual contributors.
E-Commerce - Nothing on the business landscape has ever afforded enterprises as much opportunity and potential as e-business. By leveraging the Internet and the power of e-business solutions, companies in a variety of industries are making quantum leaps forward in terms of reach, efficiency and speed of response to opportunity and change. What’s more, e-Business Technologies are helping enterprises transform the way they think and operate. Increased efficiencies and improved information flow allow the company to focus on clients and the needs and opportunities of the marketplace, rather than on performing and maintaining internal functions. The result is profit and revenue growth, improved client pretension and satisfaction.